Salty's Blogs

Blueberries on the Brain

Blueberries on the Brain

Popping a few handfuls of blueberries in your mouth every day is a brilliant idea. Blueberries are brain food, they’re E=mc2 personified. Consumption of these prodigious prognosticators may even cause you to factor algorithms or start calculating the sum of the sides of an isosceles triangle. Okay maybe that’s a bit of a stretch. Although
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If You Can’t Take the Heat

If You Can’t Take the Heat

If you can’t take the heat then you better get out of my kitchen, because I love my peppers. I love them hot, sweet, roasted, dried, flaked, fresh, ground, stuffed, sauteed or sauced. In fact, one of the first adventurous dishes I ever made was a very bueno chile relleno (stuffed pepper). I was so proud. These
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Shedding Light on Dark Chocolate

Shedding Light on Dark Chocolate

It’s three o’clock and I am working at my computer. I hear a soft voice calling, “chocolate.” A little louder it repeats itself, “choooocolaaaaate.” No, go away I say, I’m trying to be good. “But chocolate is good,” the voice whispers musically. It proves too much to resist. I give in and find that dark
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Eat Crab For Me!

Eat Crab For Me!

It’s really a subtle form of torture not eating crab. I love crab. There is nothing else that has the succulent fibrous texture of those sweet lumps of white. When my family moved to the Northwest from Minnesota decades ago, we went from thinking fish sticks were seafood to celebrating Christmas Eve dining on the
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Cranberries: Red Goodies in a White Box

Cranberries: Red Goodies in a White Box

I‘m excited because this month my white cardboard box will arrive. It’s an early Christmas present sent from my Aunt Diane. Thoughtfully each one of my siblings gets the same parcel and every year the question at hand is, “What are you going to do with yours this year?” Shake the white container and it
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Saved by Fennel!

Saved by Fennel!

There are certain vegetables I depend on to save me in a pinch. Because my favorite way to cook is to combine whatever I have in my refrigerator and pantry, I am vulnerable to what remains fresh. But when my cauliflower has the measles and my arugula has gone funky, who is always there to
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Catch a Tuna

Catch a Tuna

Reel down then pull up with all your might, reel down again and pull up until your arms fall off! That is what it was like landing my first tuna. I was with my family bobbing off the tip of the Baja in white-capped seas, some folks down below super seasick and others burning up
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