They're Baaaack!

They're Baaaack!

I saw them just the other day, they’re coming out of winter hibernation. They begin their stalking about March every year — giving you that sick feeling in the pit of your stomach. This year I’m going avoid them. Yes, that’s it, I’ll run as fast as I can in the other direction. Sigh, okay, no. No, this year I will try to overcome. This time I will make the effort and beat them at their game. Yes, this will be the year of my triumph!!!

“Bathing suits.” The sure reminder that we have spent the entire winter storing up and hibernating too. So what is the solution? Is there a trick to dropping a few and looking good without too much suffering and sweating? A few new secrets with old-time sage advice is oddly enough the best strategy.

There are lots of ways to lose “body fat” and weight, but eliminating “dietary fat” is actually not the solution. The real troublemakers are refined processed foods, carbs and sugars that cause the brutal results. Surprisingly, you can configure a customized food-eating method just to suit your taste buds. Let’s face it, cultures have survived healthfully on whale blubber or beans so it’s not that technical. The healthy focus should begin with excellent proteins like all kinds of seafood including finfish, shellfish and mollusks, meats, eggs, nuts and legumes because protein is very satisfying. It doesn’t break down into little sugar “cubes” like simple and refined carbohydrates do, spiking your blood sugar and setting the hormone insulin loose — taking that sugar from your blood into your cells. This becomes the tipping point because when there is no energy left in your blood, you become hungry again creating a vicious circle. Constant sugar in your blood stream causes fat cells to lock their doors instead of releasing the energy they store. They just yell, “Hey, blood stream, why should I share my energy reserves with you? You just drank a soda and have plenty of sugar to use!”

“Is there a trick to dropping a few and looking good without too much suffering and sweating? A few new secrets with old-time sage advice is oddly enough the best strategy.”

Next, eat all the vegetables you can. These are made of healthy complex carbohydrates and contain lots of fiber that will make you feel full. Focus on the deeply colored vegetables and you will do yourself a huge favor. They will be packed with nutrients and so much flavor that you won’t even know you should pat yourself on the back. Fats themselves are not really a bad thing, if you keep it real. No fake “light” products or “hydrogenated” anything that will just confuse your body. Just use straight-down-the-center fats like olive oil. If you want grains, keep them whole. Only real foods for real results. For more ideas and a great guide, Time magazine just put out recent cover story called “What to Eat Now” and I highly recommend it (see